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[ShopeeFood Merchant] Where can I refer to if I need more guidelines and SOP about ShopeeFood?

All terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the same meaning as those contained in the ShopeeFood Merchant General Terms and Conditions.


1) Shopee shall transfer the Transaction Funds to the Merchant after the deduction of the Service Fee (inclusive of SST), Contributions (if any) and/or other fees (if any) from the Transaction Fee (“Settlement Funds”). 

2) The Settlement Funds shall be remitted to the Merchant’s bank account provided in the ShopeeFood Merchant Registration Form within D + 3 Business Days (Shopee’s designated bank account name: “ShopeePay Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.” with “ShopeeFood – DDMMYY” as the payment reference). 

3) Shopee will provide the Merchant a daily report containing the list of Transactions that occurred a day prior to the date of the report by sending it to the Merchant’s registered e-mail address or any other means determined by Shopee.


1) If the Merchant does not agree with the calculations of the Settlement Funds, it may dispute the calculations in writing within seven (7) Business Days (“Dispute Notice”)  after the remittance of the Settlement Funds to Shopee’s customer service. 

2) Shopee shall respond to the Dispute Notice with the possible solution within five (5) Business Days of receipt of the Dispute Notice. For the avoidance of doubt, while Shopee will use reasonable effort to discuss with the Merchant the possible solution for any dispute, any decision made by Shopee shall be final and undisputed.

3) Shopee’s decision on the Dispute Notice shall be final and Shopee will not entertain any request for review of the decision. 

4) Shopee is authorized to debit or credit the Merchant Wallet at any time by providing written notice to the Merchant, unless otherwise stipulated by Applicable Law, including in order to correct any errors for reconciliation purposes.

5) If Shopee is unable to transfer the Transaction Funds to the Merchant Wallet, Shopee is authorized to transfer such funds, plus any applicable fees, to Merchant’s designated bank account used for the relevant Transaction, any payment instrument that Merchant has on file with Shopee, or to directly charge by issuing an invoice to the Merchant which shall be paid to Shopee within three (3) days from the date of invoice.


1) Buyers may submit any refund request to Shopee. 

2) The refund request to Shopee must be raised within twenty-four (24) hours from the completion of the Transaction. If the buyer did not submit any refund requests within the twenty-four (24) hours period, the Transaction shall be deemed final and completed and Shopee will not entertain any further refund request. 

3) Shopee shall have the right to investigate the refund request and determine the result of the request at its sole discretion. 

4) The Merchant may submit a refund appeal request to Shopee’s customer service if the Merchant needs further clarification on the refund adjustment by sending an appeal notice in writing within seven (7) Business Days from the date the report on the refund is provided. If there is no refund appeal request submitted by the Merchant within the seven (7) Business Days period, the Merchant shall be deemed to have agreed with Shopee on the refund amount. 

5) The refund appeal request shall be sent through the Merchant’s registered email to Shopee’s customer service’s email (help@support.shopee.com.my). 

6) Shopee will provide the Merchant a daily report containing the list of chargebacks incurred by the Merchants a day prior to the date of the report by sending it to the Merchant’s registered e-mail address or any other means determined by Shopee.


1) Shopee has the right to review the Products submitted by the Merchant to be displayed on the ShopeeFood Platform. The Merchant shall submit to Shopee its business logo and images of the Products to be displayed on the ShopeeFood Platform. If the Merchant fails to provide Shopee with the appropriate information relating to the Product or its logo, Shopee shall be entitled to use any default images to represent the Merchant and its Products on the ShopeeFood Platform.

2) Shopee has the sole discretion to reject the listing of any Products on the ShopeeFood Platform without assigning any reasons whatsoever.

3) Products that cannot be displayed on the ShopeeFood Platform are, among others, food and beverages that are unusual or unsuitable for consumption by the wider community including any products that are deemed illegal or against any Shopee policies.

4) In addition to selling food and drinks, the Merchant can sell items that are intended as eating and drinking tools and/or other related Products on ShopeeFood Platform. Nonetheless, Shopee reserves the right to refuse the display of any Products on the ShopeeFood Platform.

5) The Merchant can check the list of Products that cannot be displayed and sold on ShopeeFood Services, Products other than food and beverages that can be sold on ShopeeFood Services, and Product naming guidelines on the ShopeeFood Platform, at the following link: 


b. https://help.shopee.com.my/portal/article/78707

6) The Merchant may submit a request to change the name of its category, menu or product through the link provided in clause D.5 above. Shopee will review the request for change and implement the changes if the request is accepted.

7) If such amendments or additions are agreed by Shopee, the Merchant shall be able to see the changes reflected on the ShopeeFood Platform within five (5) Business Days from the date of such request is submitted by the Merchant.

8) If the previously registered Products are no longer available, the Merchant may turn off or mark as unavailable / sold out such Products on the Merchant’s ShopeeFood Application or request Shopee to remove such listing.


1) The Merchant shall guarantee that the retail prices of the items offered on ShopeeFood are substantially similar to the prices offered by the Merchant on other platforms. 

2) The Merchant who wants to offer lower prices through promotion or discount on the ShopeeFood Platform shall inform Shopee through self signup via the Partner App or through the dedicated Account Manager assigned to the Merchant. 

3) The Merchant shall ensure that all portions provided to buyers via ShopeeFood Platform are similar in size and quality to those provided to buyers from other platforms or physical and online stores.  


1) The Merchant is responsible for providing accurate, complete and up-to-date information during the application process. By participating in the application for store activation, the Merchant grants Shopee explicit consent to access, review, and verify the information provided by the Merchant.

2) The Merchant participating in the verification process must maintain strict confidentiality, and shall not disclose to any third party any sensitive or confidential information shared during the process, including, but not limited to, the Merchant’s communications with Shopee’s representatives and any documentation provided for verification purposes.

3) The outcome of the verification process determines the Merchant’s eligibility for store activation on the ShopeeFood Platform. In cases where there are issues arising from the verification process, or the Merchant fails the verification process, Shopee reserves the right to take appropriate actions, including, but not limited to, delaying or denying store activation.

4) Shopee reserves the right to contact the Merchant at any time upon a successful application for store activation. Such communication may be made by Shopee through email, phone calls, or any other method specified by Shopee.


1) Shopee may provide Point of Sales Materials (“POSM”) to the Merchant to be installed by the Merchant at the Merchant’s outlets. Digital copy of the POSM will also be provided to Merchant upon request.

2) In the event Shopee finds the POSM installation insufficient, Shopee is entitled to add additional POSM in the Merchant Outlets in accordance with Shopee’s standards.

3) The Merchant shall keep and maintain the POSM distributed by Shopee in accordance with Shopee’s guidelines.


1) Shopee may provide an Electronic Data Capture (“EDC”) machine to the Merchant, at no additional cost, for the ShopeeFood Services if the EDC machine is deemed to be required by the Merchant at Shopee’s sole discretion. The Merchant shall return the EDC machine to Shopee upon receipt of a request from Shopee or the termination of the ShopeeFood Services Agreement between Shopee and the Merchant.

2) The Merchant shall be responsible for any loss or damage caused to the EDC machine. Shopee shall issue the Merchant an invoice for any loss or damage caused to the EDC machine upon the conclusion of Shopee’s investigations, and any such payment must be made by the Merchant to Shopee within 30 days from the Merchant’s receipt of the invoice from Shopee.

3) Shopee reserves the right to deduct any outstanding amounts owed by the Merchant to Shopee from the Merchant Wallet or directly charge the Merchant, at Shopee’s sole discretion.

4) Shopee will have the right to check and configure the EDC machine at any time in accordance with Shopee's own policies with prior notification to the Merchant.

5) Shopee will provide a training video to the Merchant or the Merchant’s employees on how to operate the EDC machine through the banner link on the Shopee Partner App that will redirect the Merchant to the training video link.

6) Shopee will provide technical and operational support regarding EDC machines in accordance with Shopee's own policies. The EDC machine shall only be used for the purposes of ShopeeFood Services transactions. Shopee has the right to monitor the activities carried out within the EDC machine at any time.

7) EDC machine must be placed in an outlet location that has been mutually agreed between the Merchant and Shopee and the Merchant is prohibited from moving the EDC machine to another outlet location without prior written approval from Shopee

8) Without prejudice to Shopee's rights, the Merchant shall always preserve and maintain the security and integrity of the EDC machine. 

9) The Merchant is prohibited from dismantling, modifying, and/or damaging the EDC machine or any of its components.

10) If the EDC machine is lost and/or damaged due to any reason, including, but not limited to, the actions of the Merchant but not due to force majeure which can be proven to and accepted by Shopee by providing an official police report, the Merchant must pay a replacement fee to Shopee of Ringgit Malaysia Six Hundred and Fifty (RM650), exclusive of Sales and Service Tax (SST), if applicable. Shopee has the right to charge and collect the SST from the Merchant by issuing an invoice. 

11) If the Merchant no longer participates in the ShopeeFood Services, the Merchant shall inform Shopee within one (1) week to request for the collection of the EDC machine. The EDC machine shall be returned to Shopee in good condition. Failure to inform Shopee within the stipulated time will result in late notification charges imposed by Shopee at its sole discretion. 

12) Shopee shall provide a SIM card for the EDC machine to the Merchant upon the Merchant’s request, and at the Merchant’s own cost. The Merchant shall pay to Shopee a monthly charge of Ringgit Malaysia Fifteen (RM 15) for the usage of the SIM card (“Usage Fee”).

13) Shopee reserves the right to deduct the Usage Fee from the Merchant Wallet or directly charge the Merchant, at Shopee’s sole discretion.


1) Shopee upholds the highest service standards to ensure and the best user experience, and the Merchant is required to cooperate with Shopee to ensure that such service standards are maintained. 

2) The Merchant shall comply with the following code of conduct (“Merchant Code of Conduct”) at all times, which includes, but is not limited to:

  a. ensuring proper food handling when preparing Orders;

  b. ensuring that Orders meet health and safety standards;

  c. using proper packaging;

  d. ensuring Orders are prepared efficiently and correctly;

  e. ensuring that the Merchant does not use unauthorized or repackaged        applications developed by third parties to commit fraud;

  f. ensuring that the Merchant does not collude with any party, which knowingly or       unknowingly, negatively impacts Shopee;

  g. ensuring that the Merchant does not abuse ratings and/or promotional vouchers; 

  h. ensuring that the Merchant maintains a low cancellation rate of Orders; and ensuring that       the Merchant complies with any other rules or standards as may be communicated by       Shopee  from time to time.

3) Actions to be taken by Shopee against the Merchant depending on the severity of the violation of the Merchant Code of Conduct by the Merchant, include, but not limited to:

  a. temporary suspension; 

  b. termination of Merchant’s account; and/or

  c. monetary fine based on losses incurred by Shopee.

4) Shopee will notify the Merchant of its decision together with the details of the Merchant’s violation through any of the following channels, including, but not limited to: 

  a. ShopeeFood Partner application's Push Notification; or

  b. Written email notification.

5) The Merchant may submit an appeal request in writing to Shopee’s customer service within seven (7) Business Days from the receipt of the buyer Recovery Charges notice. If there is no appeal request submitted by the Merchant, the Merchant shall be deemed to have agreed to the charges.

6) Shopee reserves the right to deduct any monetary fine from the Merchant Wallet or directly charge the Merchant via the issuance of an invoice to the Merchant, at Shopee’s sole discretion. 

7) The Merchant shall ensure that any cancellation of Orders are done within two (2) minutes of receipt of the Order via the EDC machine, and the Merchant shall not cancel any accepted Orders without a valid reason. 

For more information regarding Shopee and ShopeeFood policies and guidelines, kindly refer to the link here: https://shopee.com.my/legaldoc/policies/

Other than that, you may also refer to our ShopeeFood General Terms and Conditions and ShopeeFood Merchant SOP as below if you are interested in becoming a ShopeeFood seller.

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